Message Mirror For Symbian 3rd

Message Mirror is one of the tools you must have on your phone. You need Message Mirror when you want to Find any deleted message, backup and keep your messages secret.

LocViewer v1.5 Java (Jar/JAD)

LocViewer loads map sections according to the current position from a Web service from the Internet and indicates the position on the display of the mobile phone. As data source e.g. road maps or satellite photos can be selected. In addition the speed and the moving direction are indicated. The map sections can be panned and zoomed.

YMess v0.9 J2ME Java (Jar/JAD)

Yahoo! Messenger compatible instant messaging application. Requires MIDP 2.0 and CLDC 1.0-enabled device. No proxy or gateway needed, and directly connects to the Yahoo! Messenger server.

Yahoo! Go 3.0 Java (Jar/JAD)

Yahoo! Go is the best gateway to get where you’re going on the mobile Internet. You’ll get an at-a-glance update of what’s new since you last logged on: how many new emails await you, upcoming calendar appointments, new photos posted by your friends. Next comes a collection of mobile Snippets: previews of your favorite Web content such as news headlines, weather conditions

Psiloc Wireless Presenter for Symbian 3rd

The Wireless Presenter utilises Bluetooth or WiFi on the smartphone to manage a Power Point presentation from a distance, while simultaneously displaying notes on the smartphone screen.

The application counts the time from the start to control the total duration of the speech, helping to make it brief and concise. The most interesting feature enables displaying the phone screen on a PC computer. It is useful if someone would like to show the smartphone features, some interesting content or possibilities of any mobile application to wider audience.

pyPiwo for 3rd edition

pyPiwo is a Python based freeware application for Nokia S60 3rd Edition that allows you to Brew and drink beer on your N95!.This program uses the hardware accelerometer included in some S60 3rd Edition phones, so your phone must have one for this program to work.

EQO Symbian beta for Symbian 3rd Edition

EQO is a application for instant messaging, cheap calling and cheap texting to your symbian mobile phone. Chat on the go using MSN, AIM, Yahoo, Google Talk, QQ (NEW!), ICQ and Jabber, or call and text anyone in the world at super-low rates.

SimOne :Human-Simulator RoBot For Java Phones (Jar/JAD)

SimOne (Simulation One) is a human simulator roBot for j2me platforms – able to talk and to act like a person. You can easily interact with SimOne by asking her about the time,let her wake you up in the morning or to call a contact number for you. Some special features included!