Poco C40 Gcam Port (Google Camera Mod APK)

The POCO C40 is equipped with dual cameras, namely a 13MP main camera, and a 2MP depth camera, as well as a 5MP front camera.

Sebagian besar smartphone di kelas harga ini mengusung sensor kamera tunggal, tetapi POCO C40 memiliki tiga sensor kamera di bagian belakang. Selain sensor utama 13MP f/2.2, ada juga sensor khusus untuk menghasilkan efek potret. Secara umum, pengalaman menggunakannya, termasuk kualitas foto di berbagai kondisi, mirip dengan Redmi 10A.

Warna yang dihasilkan dari kamera belakang POCO C40 cenderung sedikit redup, alias kurang cocok untuk sobat yang menginginkan foto dengan warna-warna cerah. Juga sedikit kebiruan pada hampir semua kondisi outdoor dan indoor. Ketika berada di kondisi gelap, mode malam tidak memberikan peningkatan yang signifikan-lebih mirip seperti menaikkan ISO saat mengambil foto.

The depth sensor allows the POCO C40 to provide a portrait effect on non-human objects. This effect will only appear after the camera shutter is pressed, and the result is arguably quite good in its class. One more note, the HDR effect is not active by default. And some times the photo results tend to be over exposed.

So users can’t expect the best detailed photo quality from the POCO C40 from the start. But no problem, because you can still produce interesting photos including through the camera’s built-in filters.

The phone’s camera can actually still be enhanced by using the widely recommended third-party app GCAM.

Download Google Camera Port for Poco C40

With GCAM, we can take high-quality professional photos and videos. This app has been modified from the Google Camera app, so that camera phone users can have all the advantages of Pixel phones.

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To use Google Camera on Poco phones, we need the Gcam application. However, this camera application has many versions such as Shamim, Nikita, Greatness, BSG, Bulkin and so on. And all of them are not necessarily compatible with our phones. Because the Poco C40 uses 32-bit Android and a relatively less well-known chipset.

Here are some Gcam apps that are compatible with the Poco C40 phone.

GCAM v3.6.455 Shamim

Shamim is one of the most popular modders on XDA, 4PDA, Telegram and other social media forums. The Google Camera ported by him is stable and compatible with both 32-bit and 64-bit Android.

Developer Shamim
File Size
Download GcamGo 3.6

GCAM v2.5 Greatness

There are several improvements to the Greatness version of Gcam and most importantly it is compatible with all versions of Android 8 and above.

Developer Greatness
File Size
Download GcamGo 2.5

How to Install Gcam on Poco C40

How To Install Google Camera Port Samsung A21s

Installing the Google Camera port on the Poco C40 is as easy as installing an APK file. If you’re still confused about how to do it, follow the instructions below.

  1. Open the Mi File Manager app and then go to Internal storage.
  2. Then open the Downloads folder.
  3. Click the Gcam apk file.
  4. After that tap Settings and activate Allow from this source.
  5. Wait for the installation process to succeed.

Well, now you’ve taken some photos with the Gcam app and see if the image quality it produces is better than the Poco’s stock camera or worse.

Give us your thoughts on the comparison between the built-in camera and Google Camera in the comments section.

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That’s how to download and install Gcam on Poco C40. Hopefully the quality of photos using your smartphone camera will be even better.