How To Enable Game Driver On Xiaomi MIUI 12

If you are one of the people who often play games on Android, especially on Xiaomi, then it is perfect for you to activate the Game Driver feature.

This Game driver feature is the latest feature specifically for MIUI 12. By activating the game driver feature, you will get a better gaming experience on your phone.

With this feature, it will reduce lag and fractures when playing online games such as Mobile Legends, PUBG Mobile or Free Fire.

Although this feature has been on Xiaomi phones for a long time, there are still many who do not know and do not understand the function of this game driver feature. Then how to activate it? Let’s look at the steps.

How to Activate Game Drivers on MIUI 12

Game Driver Preferences is one of the options available in the Developer menu on Android devices. This option allows users to set specific preferences for graphics processing in games.

If you want to try how to enable game driver on Xiaomi MIUI 12 then you can see the tutorial as follows.

Step 1. Please first activate the developer options on our Xiaomi phones:.

  • Enter the Settings menu
  • Select About Phone
  • Tap about 7 times in the MIUI Version section until there is a statement “no need, you are already a developer”

Step 2. Setelah diaktifkan, buka bagian Pengaturan Tambahan lalu pilih Opsi Pengembang, lalu ketuk Preferensi Driver Game.

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Step 3. Choose a game that you often play, for example PUBG Mobile.

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Step 4. Then select Game Drivers.

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After this feature is activated, you can distinguish your own game performance before and after activating this feature. So that’s how to activate game drivers on Xiaomi MIUI 12, hopefully it’s useful.

Also listen how to enable game turbo on Xiaomi MIUI 11 in the next article from JavaPhones. If you still have questions, leave a comment in the box that we provide. Also, share this article with your friends.