Toury chat v.1.0.1 For Java Mobile Phones

In Toury Chat you are able to: – Create your personal avatar – toury, and choose her appearence – Chat with other players – Use your personal room to change your clothes – Users will be able to transfer accounts into “Go Toury!” full version for free.

Supported Devices

Toury chat v.1.0.1 For Java Mobile Phones 1Nokia: 3600 slide, 5000, 5220 XpressMusic, 5300, 5310 XpressMusic, 5320, 5610, 5700, 6110 Navigator, 6120c, 6121 classic, 6126, 6131, 6133, 6233, 6234, 6265, 6265i, 6267, 6270, 6275i, 6280, 6288, 6290, 6300, 6301, 6500c, 6500s, 6555, 6600 slide, 7370, 7373, 7390, 7500, 7510 Supernova, 8600 Luna, E50, E51, E65, E90, N71, N73, N75, N78, N81 8GB, N92, N93, N93i, N95, N95 8GB.
Samsung: A717, i300, i320, i320N, SGH A701, SGH A707, SGH D600, SGH D600E, SGH D800, SGH D820, SGH D830, SGH D836, SGH D840, SGH D900, SGH E840, SGH E890, SGH E898, SGH E900, SGH E950, SGH F500, SGH G600, SGH i300, SGH i550, SGH P850, SGH P900, SGH P906, SGH P910, SGH P920, SGH T809, SGH U900, SGH Z400, SGH Z400V, SGH Z510, SGH Z530, SGH Z540, SGH Z560, SGH Z630, SGH Z720, SGH ZV50, SGH-i607, SGH-P520, SPH A900, SPH A900P, SPH M610.
Sony-Ericsson: C702, C902, G502, G700, G900, K660i, K770, K790a, K790i, K800i, K800iv, K810i, K850i, M600i, P990i, S500i, S700, S700i, S710a, T650i, W580i, W760, W830i, W850i, W850iv, W880i, W890i, W900i, W910i, W950i, W960, Z750.
Motorola: A1200, A780, E1000, E1070, E680, E680i, IC902, K3, MOTOROKR Z6m, Motorola Q, Motorola Q Plus, Razr V3x, RAZR V3xx, RAZR V3xxv, RAZR V6, RAZR2 V8, RAZR2 V9, RAZR2 V9m, RIZR Z10, RIZR Z8, ROKR E6, ROKR Z6, U9, V1075, V1100, V3x-Vodafone.
BenQ-Siemens: E71
Siemens: EF81.

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Toury chat v.1.0.1