VNC2Go v1.2 JAVA – Free VNC Client Application For Java Mobile Phones

VNC2Go Java Application By Amichai Rothman
VNC2Go is a VNC client (viewer) that runs on MIDP-enabled devices. It lets you control any desktop server running a VNC service, from any mobile device that supports Java Midlets, such as mobile phones and PDAs.

Needless to say, a mobile phone is not the friendliest interface to remote control a desktop computer. However, when you need it, you need it. You can use VNC2Go to send yourself a document you forgot at home, restart a service that crashed, check for an expected mail message, look up a phone number you have at home, etc.

Pressing the star button cycles between the View, Pointer and Key modes and the menu
options allow additional text and special key input:

  • Key Mode – in this mode (identified by a little ‘K’ on the corner of the display),
    the arrow keys function as keyboard arrow keys on the host computer.
    Additional keys are: 5 – enter, 1 – tab, 3 – space, 7 – delete, 9 – escape.
  • Text Entry – accessed from the menu, this option provides a text area in which you can enter any text (as you normally do on your mobile phone) and send it to the server.
  • View Mode – in the default mode, you use the arrow buttons to move an imaginary window
    across the full desktop screen, and press the select button to show that region of the screen
    on the current display.
  • Key Entry – accessed from the menu, this option provides a list of common special keys
    that you can send to the server, as well as change the state of modifier keys (ctrl, alt, shift).
    It includes also key combinations such as ctrl-alt-del, ctrl-shift-esc, etc.
  • Pointer Mode – in this mode (identified by a little ‘P’ on the corner of the display),
    the arrow keys function as a pointer (mouse), moving the cursor within the currently
    displayed area of the screen. The select button acts as a mouse click, with two successive presses
    being a double-click. When the cursor moves to the edge of the display area, the display is
    scrolled appropriately to follow the cursor to the neighboring screen areas.
    Additional keys are: 5 – left click, 3 – middle click, 1 – right click, 7 – scroll down, 9 – scroll up.
Read:   TSMobiles: terminal service client Application For Java Mobile Phones

Supported VNC protocol version: RFB 3.3.
Supported VNC encodings:
* Raw
* Hextile

VNC2Go 1.2 (MIDP 1.0 Midlet)

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