Best Dictaphone allows you recording an important idea and even a phone conversation!
Google Maps with My Location Java (Jar/JAD)
See your location on the map, with or without GPS. Save time and tedious keystrokes finding where you are, what’s around you, and how to get there.
Jig Browser Jar / Jad For Java Mobile Phones
jig browser is the full browser application that allows you to view the internet web sites on your mobile phone. and You can customize and add your own applications by using our jiglet plugins, exclusively for the jig browser. jiglets are customizable, and you can develop them personaly. examples of the range of jiglet apps inculde mailers, schedulers, desktop features, RSS, etc.
Birthday Manager 0.5.2
Excellent application in Java for the complete management of the birthdays.Lets you see what birthdays are comming up in your address book.You can see how old someone will be and home many days till there birthday.You can filter and sort the list in quiet a few ways
EggClock v1.3.0 For Symbian S60v3
Egg Clock is a simple and easy to use egg timer for Symbian 3rd. In contrast to most hardware egg timers it supports three different “notification schemes”. It can be operated with the phones cursor alone.The timer value can be up to 100 minutes.
SPMarkJava JSR 184
SPMarkJava JSR 184 is the most comprehensive benchmark performance in running Java applications. Targeted for MIDP 2.0 and JSR 184 capable handheld devices, the benchmark’s workloads consist of 3D gaming, 2D gaming, video playback, image processing, Java Virtual Machine (JVM) testing, and battery testing. Additionally the benchmark displays detailed system information of the device and its Java implementation.
Unyverse Mobile Wiki J2ME App For Java Mobile Phones (Jar/JAD)
The Unyverse Mobile is a software application that you install on your mobile phone and which enables you to access all your information ,news or reference content like Wikipedia to your indispensable personal or company data, Unyverse makes it easy to exchange and share information between your mobile phone and your web account.
Sygic MOBILE for Symbian 3rd
Sygic is GPS navigation application for wide range of mobile devices and smartphones. With intuitive user interface, works on its real 3D engine, that will deliver the real 3D coverage with textured buildings and 3D city scenario to give user the fantastic visual experience when navigating from A to B.
Sygic MOBILE for Symbian 3rd
Javia Calculator J2ME App For Java Mobile Phones (Jar/JAD)
Javia Calculator is an easy-to-use calculator for mobile phones. It features a user interface designed for the mobile phone’s keypad, which allows quick input of mathematical expressions.
Hughes & Kettner Guitar Chord Finder 1.02 Java (Jar/JAD)
Find music guitar chords by using this program.Your mobile phone must be Java-enabled, and the MIDP 2.0 version of Java must be installed on it.