RSS feed reader is a java application for mobile phones that is able to read most RSS servers/feed versions.
Free Google Apps for Java Mobile Phones
Google Apps for mobile phone is mobile application for quick access to Youtube, Maps, Gmail, and more.
MiniGPSManager 2.0 Application Jar For Java Mobile Phones
MiniGPSManager is a manager for the MiniGPS v1.0-hack for Sony Ericsson W800i. With this MIDlet you can edit the CellID-entries of minigps.ini directly on the mobile phone.
Mobile Interval Training Timer Application For Java Mobile Phones
MITT (Mobile Interval Training Timer) is a mobile application which allows you to do repetitions of high-speed/intensity work followed by periods of rest or low activity. You can configure work length, warning time, rest length and some other features (colors, sounds, etc.). Once you’ve set up your workout you can save it and then switch quickly between saved workouts.
Nokia Mobile VPN For Symbian 3rd/5th Edition
Nokia Mobile VPN client is a generic and interoperable IPSec VPN client that extends corporate networks to mobile devices that are optimized for business use and offers secure access to business applications.
Pocket Beatz v2.0 – Virtual Music Studio Application For Java Mobile Phones
Pocket Beatz is a virtual Music Studio. Play beats, synths and loops and record your tune to play back to your mates.
FreeUnRAR V1.01 For Symbian Phones
FreeUnRAR is Free download decompress RAR Software for nokia symbian 3rd/5th edition. It supports decompressing RAR file with volumes or files that protects with password.
What’s new in v1.01:
- support RAR files which packed files’ name is encrypted.
- support file association for RAR files (required restarting after installation)
- add a progress bar
Salat Time 1.52 Java (Jar/JAD)
SalatTime computes and displays the Salat (prayer) times for muslims. It also generates months and years Salat time-tables.
iRadio – Internet Radio Application For Java Mobile Phones
iRadio is free internet radio that allows to stream music on your mobile phones.with this app you can browse or search your favorite radio station and you can add and share you new radio station.
MP3Cube for Nokia S60 3rd Smartphone (Symbian)
MP3Cube is a mini and powerful process tool for Nokia S60 3rd Smartphone. It lets you make mp3 ringtone on your smart phone, and can save your phone storage by convert your mp3 file with low sample rate and bit rate. All these can be done conveniently on your phone, and without PC support.